This Halloween graveyard decoration in Minnesota gets bigger and bigger every year!
Rory Anderson adds more animatronics, more fog, more features, bigger, faster, better!
Check out his complete walk-through video down below, you’ll love seeing what this thing looks like at night.
Halloween Graveyard That Takes Over The Yard In Minnesota

Images by Rory Anderson / YouTube
Rory sets up BOTH sides of the lawn and brings the RV as a side piece!

Who said hanging from trees wasn’t elegant…

Creepy crawlers possessing us from the ground!

Why the long faces boys?! Watch the video to see what happens to these at night.

Digital projections are huge right now, and for good reason! I wouldn’t want to be trapped in that RV…would you?

It helps to throw in some Spirit Halloween here and there 🙂

And a creepy tree dweller.

This is what we call a Halloween inspired jack-in-the-furnace decoration.


A zombie apocalypse Halloween graveyard is never complete without a hazmat suit.

Or a walking, dribbling, one-armed, axe in the head zombie!

I love this charbroiled animatronic prop, complete with smoke to boot!

The uplighting throughout this display is well done.

This basement escape animatronic lifts, smokes and lights up!

Big cemetery columns and fences always grab my attention.

Rory piped tons of fog around the entire cemetery for extra effect!

I wouldn’t want to roll up on this unexpectedly…

At night, the cemetery becomes a circus of movement and illumination!

With some electrocution thrown into the mix!

Stay away from the haunted RV.

Warning signs are posted everywhere!

Headstones add a little extra spook factor.

Shout out to Rory for giving us awesome Halloween graveyard ideas!

Images by Rory Anderson / YouTube
Our big thanks to Rory again for sharing this awesome graveyard!
What did you think of this yard haunt?
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